Healing Kensington

Our mission is to partner with local residents, local organizations, and the City of Philadelphia to make recovery-based yoga accessible in Kensington.

In the Philadelphia region, 72,000 people aged 12 or older were classified as having substance use disorder annually. It is not a surprise to many that in 2017, 1,217 people died in Philadelphia due to overdose, according to Temple Health. 

As a result, we decided to launch our Healing Kensington Initiative. Our Healing Kensington Initiative seeks to partner with local residents, local organizations, and the City of Philadelphia to provide FREE recovery-based yoga and meditation classes to individuals impacted by poverty, drug abuse, and sex trafficking. 

We do not turn anyone away from the yoga mat!

Help us with this great vision by donating below!

If you would like to further discuss our Healing Kensington Initiative, please email, in**@yo*********.org and indicate, “Healing Kensington” in the subject line.