Staci Abbot

Yoga Sharer

Staci Abbot

Staci Here— I am a helper and advocate for myself and others. I am a soul, a spiritual being, living a physical and human experience. I am a Brooklyn girl, who grew up in Canarsie, who feels deeply, loves without restraint, and grew up feeling alone and talked over. Reconnecting with my body and breath has opened up my heart, mind, and VOICE. As a reformed “people pleaser” and person who did not recognize self-love or know how to create boundaries, embarking on a personal spiritual journey of self-love 3 years ago led me here, to this moment. I began to breathe and move my body daily and saw irrefutable changes in multiple areas of my life. I like to say my life is reminiscent of the “Grand Staircase” at the Hogwarts school in Harry Potter. It’s ever-changing and shifting while trying to get aligned. Joining the Yoga 4 Philly community feels as if the staircase has come to a stop of alignment before recalibrating to continue the shifts and elevations of my life.

Y4P’s essential mission of creating peace and harmony within our society, within the Philadelphia community is what drew me to the organization as well. Working as a School Counselor in schools across the city, I noticed in each of them there was a lack of resources to heal trauma and gain success in the emotional/mental aspect.  As a Master’s level counselor and yoga, wellness, and meditation teacher I support folks with gaining access to their emotional intelligence and discovering self-love through movement, mindfulness, and breathwork, giving them the tools needed to create a life that invites love, peace, and healing.